Show Me a Hero is a HBO miniseries created by The Wire creator David Simon and The Wire writer William F. Zorzi based on the non-fiction book of the same name by Lisa Belkin. The two series share many cast and crew members.
- Melanie Nicholls-King had a recurring role as Cheryl on The Wire and played Janet Rowan on Show Me a Hero.
- Clarke Peters starred as Detective Lester Freamon on The Wire and played Robert Mayhawk on Show Me a Hero.
- Michael Kostroff had a recurring role as Defence Attorney Maurice Levy on The Wire and played Ralph Arred in Show Me a Hero.
- Julito McCullum had a recurring role as Namond Brice on The Wire and played a case worker in Show Me a Hero.
- Michael Potts had a recurring role as Brother Mouzone on The Wire and played Walter Henderson in Show Me a Hero.
- Neal Huff starred as Mayoral Chief of Staff Michael Steintorf in The Wire and played Brian Heffernan in Show Me a Hero.
- Genevieve Hudson-Price played recovering addict Dee Dee in The Wire and Maureen Aig in Show Me a Hero.
- Clayton LeBouef played front man Wendell "Orlando" Blocker in The Wire and civil rights activist Benjamin Hooks in Show Me a Hero.
- David Simon co-created The Wire and Show Me a Hero. He was an Executive Producer and the head writer and show runner for both series.
- William F. Zorzi was a writer for The Wire and co-created and wrote Show Me a Hero.
- Nina Kostroff Noble was an Executive Producer for both series.
- Alexa L. Fogel was the casting director for both series.
- Thom Zimny edited for both series.
- Alex Hall edited for both series.
- Kate Sanford edited for both series.
- Blake Leyh was the music supervisor for both series.
- Steve Earle played Walon in The Wire. He had music featured on the soundtracks of both series.
- Al Cerullo worked as a helicopter pilot on both series.