The Wire
The Wire
The Wire

Curtis "Lex" Anderson is an employee of Preston Broadus in his independent drug dealing operation. 


Season 4[]

Lex tracks his child's mother Patrice and Stanfield Organization crew chief Fruit as they leave a nightspot.  Lex shoots Fruit in the head, and Patrice flees the scene. Randy Wagstaff gives Lex a message that he is to "meet some girl up the way" behind the playground. When Lex arrives for the meeting, he finds Snoop and Chris Partlow lying in wait.  Stanfield has ordered the hit on Lex in retaliation for Lex killing Fruit. ("Boys of Summer")


Bunk Moreland catches the case of Fruit's murder.  Bunk and Ellis Carver try to find Lex on his usual corner, but by then Lex has gone missing, killed by Snoop and Partlow.

Murders committed by Lex[]

  • Fruit: Shot in the head. (2006)



Season 4
"Boys of Summer" "Soft Eyes" "Home Rooms" "Refugees" "Alliances"
"Margin of Error" "Unto Others" "Corner Boys" "Know Your Place" "Misgivings"
"A New Day" "That's Got His Own" "Final Grades"